About Us
Friends of Del Mar Mesa is a tax-exempt 501(C)3 public charitable community organization founded in 2013. Friends sponsor activities and projects to protect and preserve Del Mar Mesa through environmental, recreational, and educational programs.
Del Mar Mesa Garden Club
The Garden Club was formed as a program of Friends in July 2019 to promote sustainable gardening practices during the COVID-19 quarantine. During COVID-19, there was a request for gardening education as neighbors took to finding solace by working in their yards. The Garden Club is nationally accredited, and members meet monthly for meetings, workshops, events, and community outreach projects.
Community of Del Mar Mesa
Del Mar Mesa is a semi-rural residential community of 2,042 acres (8.26 km2) located in northern San Diego, California. The majority of the community was developed in the 2000s. Over 900 acres are preserved open space protected habitat. The community also has 10 miles of hiking, biking, and riding trails. The minimum lot size is a half acre. Del Mar Mesa is bordered: to the north by Carmel Valley and Pacific Highlands Ranch; to the south by Los Peñasquitos Canyon; to the east by Torrey Highlands and Rancho Peñasquitos; and the west by Torrey Hills. I-56 (Ted Williams Parkway) is north of Del Mar Mesa.
Contact: info@friendsdmm.org